Composite Door Installation Guide
Positioning of door-sets
The positioning of the new frame in the aperture is fundamental to the success of the installation. In general the replacement doorset shall:
• Bridge the cavity
• Cover the damp proof course
• Be set back as far as possible in the aperture to minimise exposure to the elements
Fixing method
Fixing methods will be influenced by movement, such as:
• The presence or absence of a wall cavity
• The nature of any cavity
• The relative positions of the frame and cavity
• The position of the plaster line, and the need to preserve the interior decorations
• The design of the reveal FixingsThrough-frame fixings should be a minimum 100mm length, and should penetrate a minimum of 50mm into the substrate.
Fixing distances
Generally, all three sides of the frame shall be secured using the following guidelines to determine the fixing spacings:
• Corner fixings should be a min of 150mm and a max of 250mm in from the external corner to prevent cracking welds
• No mullion or transom fixings should be closer than 150mm, or further than 250mm from the centre line of a mullion or transom
• Intermediate fixings should be at centres no greater than 600mm
• There must be a minimum of 3 fixings on each jamb – the image below illustrates fixing positions
NOTE: If it is impossible to find a preferred fixing position, then the nearest possible fixing should be used.
Use of installation packers
Appropriately-sized installation packers shall be used adjacent to fixing positions to prevent outer frame distortion during installation. Installation packers should be in-compressible, resistant to rot or corrosion and span the full width of the outer frame profile. For fire door sets they should be of a hard, stable material.
The fixings should be tightened so that the frame is held securely against the packers. Take care not to over-tighten the screws and distort the frame.Apply a small amount of silicone mastic to the shanks and heads of fixings that pass through the outer frame to ensure that no water penetrates into the frame.
NOTE: Packers should be used adjacent to hinge/locking points.
Efforts must be made during installation to ensure that debris, such as wet plaster does not foul drainage paths nor impair the operation of hardware. Neither sand and cement, nor plaster should be used to fill the gap between the frame and the structural opening with the exception of pointing under the threshold if required.
All protective films placed on the outer frame profiles and door facings should be removed as soon as the installation is finished, and prior to perimeter sealing.
The purpose of a perimeter sealant is to prevent water & air leakage between the aperture and the doorset.
Sealing gaps
Gaps can be sealed solely with a ribbon of low modulus silicone sealant. In all cases the sealant should fill the gap to a depth no less than the width of the gap; a backing strip may be used to limit the amount of silicone used.
When sealing perimeter joints, take care to ensure any drainage channels are not blocked or obstructed.
If the door requires adjustment within the framework, follow the instructions below
Hinge – vertical adjustment +4mm (5mm Allen Key)
• Remove the end cap
• To raise the door sash rotate the vertical adjustment screw clockwise. Ensure that all other hinges are adjusted equally.
• To lower door sash rotate the vertical adjustment screw anti-clockwise. Ensure that all other hinges are adjusted equally.
Hinge – lateral adjustment +/-2mm (4mm Allen Key)
• Rotate the lateral adjustment drives in the direction required.
It is not recommended to fully adjust either one adjuster only or one hinge only. Adjustments should be made gradually, aligning each pair of marks on each hinge until the desired adjustment is achieved.
Hinge – lock off screw (2mm Allen Key)
• For outward opening doors, tighten grub screw to lock pin into position
Keep adjustment
If the compression of the door needs adjustment down the lock side of the door then follow the instructions below.
• Loosen the screws marked ‘A’
• To increase compression move the keeps towards ‘C’
• To reduce compression move the keeps towards ‘B’
• Re-tighten the screws ‘A’ once adjustment is complete
NOTE: Example below shows open-in door. Please reverse for open-out.
Cylinder guard attachment
• Slide the cylinder guard over the cylinder and tighten internal screw to hold position
• Mark the position to the outside with a pencil on the edge of the cylinder
• Remove the internal screw and take the cylinder back out
• Position the outside cylinder guard to the pencil mark on the cylinder, then tighten grub screws evenly on each side with a 2mm allen key
• Slide the cylinder back through lock and secure the other half of guard
• Make sure all screws are tight to give maximum effect
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